Tuesday, September 23, 2014

ZEN ZEST : Tea Tree Oil – my pimple story.

A month ago, for some reason, pimples started coming out! Ugh! I’m 23 and I still got pimples. WHYYYY?? I thought at twenties I won’t get any of those evil and oh so painful acnes. CLEARLY, I was wrong >.< 

I don’t have a picture of me on that stage cause I just hate taking pictures of my face when I’m on my breakouts. Apologies my loves L

          I started using alternatives, searching the net for whatever that can help me get rid of these pimples. Times like this, its not even the ugliness (of my face with HUGE pimples) that bothers me, it’s the pain that makes it unbearable. Also, just so we are clear, IM NOT OPEN for Facial Treatment where they have to poke it out then squeeze the devils of my face to make it better. NO NO NO! too painful!
For some reason my holy grail unknown soap isn’t doing what its suppose to do. It just stopped being HOLY. >.<

So, to cut out this story of mine, I decided to try TEA TREE OIL.

At first I decided to buy Tea Tree from The Body Shop but I’m a little low in budget so…

Packaging : ZENZEST Tea Tree 15 ml product comes in glass bottle. Dark brown colored bottle and a black cap. Opening the cap, it has this plastic stopper thingy that is designed to stop product from continuously pouring out. I find it helpful especially when it slips and fell on the floor (YES IT HAPPENS. At least to me). My problem about the bottle is that I’m too clumsy I know if I bring it somewhere, it might break >.<

Smell : This product smelled weird. Smelled like the products my mom and dad would put on their aching parts of the body. Hehe. Anyways, its not that bad. At times I find it minty and weird. Again, apologies cause this is actually my first Tea Tree oil and I honestly have no idea what tea tree should smell like


After cleansing my face, I put ZENZEST Tea tree on infected areas ONLY. Then moisturize my whole face.

Before using this product on my face, I popped those face demons first. Then, my favorite unknown soap. Then….. I put a dab of TEA TREE on the infected parts of my face.

I used this product in a week. Every night before sleeping, I see to it that ample amounts were there.   Results were seen after just a day! GREAT! After a day of two I was able to see that the little holes are starting to close. It all seems very “bearable” afterwards.

**I may not be able to give you exactly what I mean but, I can assure you it helps my skin to heal faster! I don’t have to use it for a whole week cause I see that its all finally healed up, but, for caution, I did anyways. 
I also used this product on my back acne and its great! Again after a day or two, GOODBYE BACK ACNE!

Although this product helps a lot on the healing process, it doesn't really lived up to the “blemish free skin” that I read on its label, BUT, all in all, I'M STILL HAPPY WITH IT 


  • Affordable. Only costs me P150.00
  • Helped on the healing process
  • Says on the label that you can use it for massage.
  • Effective on my face and back (hehe)


  • Doesn't lived up to the “blemish free skin”


If those face demons resurface, then I’ll still buy this to help my skin. Although I do know this will be LATER rather than SOONER because after so much usage, the bottle still contains more than half. 


Also if you are interested about the other SO many benefits of TEA TREE OIL, go here : http://www.activistpost.com/2013/05/the-miracle-of-tea-tree-oil-80-amazing.html
Hope this entry helps J

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